Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Special Promo: National Forklift Safety Day


June 12, 2018 - National Forklift Safety Day

Did you know that there are roughly 62,000 forklift-related accidents each year?

We support National Forklift Safety Day to help spread the message that forklift operator safety is important.

Special pricing for all of our forklift services. Use Promo Code: "NFSD-EHSINC".

We are your experts in:
  • Forklift Operator Safety Training
  • Forklift Train-The-Trainer
  • Forklift Safety Written Program Development 

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

President/CEO Marjorie Del Toro Shares Her Personal Story in a Podcast Interview


ehsInc President/CEO Marjorie Del Toro was recently interviewed by Women Lead Radio Host Michelle Bergquist.

Marjorie shares her personal story about how a childhood and young adult tragedy around workplace safety changed her life.


Tuesday, June 5, 2018

FREE Hazard Communication Training


American workers use tens of thousands of chemicals every day. While many of these chemicals are suspected of being harmful, only a small number are regulated in the workplace.

As a result, workers suffer more than 190,000 illnesses and 50,000 deaths annually related to chemical exposures. Workplace chemical exposures have been linked to cancers, and other lung, kidney, skin, heart, stomach, brain, nerve, and reproductive diseases.

In partnership with Procore we are offering FREE courses designed to give construction professionals the tools they need to create a culture of safety awareness.

One of these free courses is on Hazard Communication, which talks about the hazards and safety precautions surrounding dangerous workplace chemicals.

Start your FREE Hazard Communication course today! 


Monday, June 4, 2018

June is National Safety Month. Week 1 Spotlights Emergency Preparedness


National Safety Month - June 1-30

Week 1 spotlights Emergency Preparedness. Disasters won't wait! Create your Emergency Action Plan now!

Did you know that more than half of workers aren't trained in CPR/First Aid? Get trained today!
